Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Mind Over Metabolism Grand Opening

(The following were Dr. Hylton’s remarks prior to the official opening of Mind Over Metabolism and ribbon cutting ceremony with the Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce on February 10, 2023.)

Ribbon cutting ceremony

Good afternoon. Thank you to the Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce for organizing this event and everyone who made the time to be here. I am Dr. Mercy Hylton, owner of Mind Over Metabolism.

Having worked as a physician in emergency departments and hospitals in central Indiana for the past 22 years, I have cared for thousands of patients with diabetes, often while they were suffering from the devastating consequences of this disease: heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, amputations, and even death. I have personally had health conditions associated with insulin resistance for the last 30 years including insulin dependent gestational diabetes with all three of my pregnancies. In 2016, as I watched my non-pregnant metabolic labs rise to the upper range of “pre-diabetes”, I knew that I was facing an almost inevitable type 2 diabetes diagnosis. That is when I started reading about lifestyle changes, not just to control the disease, but to put it into remission. The science was compelling but, as I implemented what I was learning, the changes in my own health were undeniable.

For the past 6 years I have sustained the lifestyle changes and health benefits I started in 2016, while working as an emergency physician, which is one of the most stressful professions out there, and being a mother of three picky eaters, which comes with its own stress. I love to cook, and I love to eat, so I had to learn what lifestyle kept me healthy and allowed me to live joyfully. There are many ways to lose weight but seem to be very few ways to joyfully maintain it. Even the latest and greatest new medications or bariatric surgery cannot sustain results if the needed mental work and lifestyle changes are not performed. I am thrilled that Mind Over Metabolism will allow me to serve my community, help patients regain their health, and find their own joyful lifestyle. I am proud to offer these services in a price-transparent, value-transparent practice. For patients with insulin resistance or excess body weight traditional insurance-based medical practices may offer 15-minute appointments, which perhaps end with a prescription and an admonition to “move more and eat less.” Mind Over Metabolism patients will have me as their physician walk with them on their health journey with one-on-one hour-long coaching sessions, as well as frequent communication for advice, encouragement, and day-to-day troubleshooting.

I would like to conclude by thanking my family and friends.

My husband, Eric, helped me find the courage I needed to walk away from the corporatized hospital-based medical model in which I have spent the last two decades, and he has supported my transition to personalized medicine and small business ownership. My three children have had to put up with the heavy demands of my emergency medicine career for their entire lives, and now I hope they can benefit from having me around more and for longer. My parents in Oklahoma, and my in-laws right here in Brownsburg, have provided so much love and support to me, and our entire family, for which I cannot adequately express my gratitude. Many direct-pay practice physicians have helped me navigate these new waters. I am grateful for all of them, and all of you for being here today.

Thank you.


Could You Be on the Road to Diabetes and Not Know It?